Solvo Finance wants you to start trusting cryptocurrency … – The Armchair Trader

Solvo Finance, an EU-based cryptocurrency startup, has announced that their forthcoming crypto investing app will integrate Fireblocks, an easy-to-use platform to create new blockchain-based products and manage day-to-day digital asset operations. With the support of Fireblocks’ battle-tested technology, Solvo will be able to provide world-class security for customers’ digital assets.
“Solvo is focused on being an accessible entry point to empower the crypto-curious to become crypto-capable investors by providing an easy-to-use, trusted and transparent platform,” said Ayelen Denovitzer, Co-founder and CEO of Solvo. “Too often, opaque and complicated apps and platforms are barriers to new investors by requiring heavy user involvement and thereby undermining trust in the platform.”
Denovitzer says Solvo is focused on providing “the best of the best of crypto to our users.” With the support of Fireblocks, Solvo is aiming to provide users with real-time transparency of where their assets are at any given time. “We fundamentally believe that transparency will build trust in crypto-curious investors,” Denovitzer explained.
Solvo believes a key barrier to entry for the crypto-curious investor is lack of trust. A 2022 survey by TMT Analysis found that only 9% of respondents believe that crypto services on offer are safe and secure.
By utilizing Fireblocks’ enterprise-grade technology for its users’ retail wallets, treasury management, direct custody and offering its users staking rewards via Fireblocks’ Figment integration, users should be confident in the security and control of their digital assets when using the Solvo app.
“We are excited to support Solvo’s vision of creating greater accessibility to crypto and decentralized finance via a simple, transparent and trustworthy platform,” said Stephen Richardson, Senior Vice President of Financial Markets at Fireblocks. “Fireblocks employs next-generation, institutional-grade technology so Solvo users can rest assured that their digital assets are safe.”
The app is currently in beta testing and is expected to launch to the general public in early 2023.
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