What Is a Cryptocurrency Block and Why Is It Important? – MUO – MakeUseOf

They’re the building blocks of any cryptocurrency, but how do they actually work?
The entire cryptocurrency industry is dependent on blockchains. Blockchain technology allows the creation of immutable data ledgers that are highly impervious to cyberattacks. As the name suggests, a key element of a blockchain is its blocks. But what exactly do these blocks do, and why are they so integral to cryptocurrency transactions?
Before we get into the specifics of blocks, let's quickly run over what a blockchain is. Blockchains are entirely virtual, but it helps to think of them as a long chain of blocks, all linked together in chronological order. The Bitcoin blockchain, for example, consists of a huge, chronological ledger of every Bitcoin transaction ever conducted. Furthermore, this ledger is permanent and cannot be altered or deleted.
It is the blocks within a blockchain that hold all the valuable data. But you shouldn't think of these blocks as simple storage files. Blockchains, and their blocks, rely on cryptography to make the storage of data highly secure. Blocks also contain various other forms of data to uniquely identify one from the other. Let's take a look at Bitcoin blocks to understand this further.
The typical information in a Bitcoin block is the block header, block size, magic number, listed transactions, and a timestamp of the block's creation. The block header itself consists of six separate components: the version, bits, time, nonce, hashPrevBlock, and hashMerkleRoot.
A crucial element of blocks that sits within the header is the nonce (an abbreviation of "number-only-used-once"). Nonces are unique 32-bit numbers and are usually random in their generation. They are added to the block header and stand as the number miners need to achieve in their computations to mine a block successfully. The nonce is the only number within a block header that can be altered.
Nonces are also related to the mining difficulty level of a given block (which relates to how hard it is to mine). Mining difficulty constantly fluctuates but generally increases across the board as time passes, most notably in Bitcoin.
hashPrevBlock and hashMerkleRoot both relate to different hashes. hashPrevBlock, as you may have guessed, is the hash of (or the references to) the previous block in the chain. In fact, it is this reference to the previous block that makes a chain. On the other hand, the hashMerkleRoot is a hash that relates to the Merkle Tree, a form of single hash data storage developed by mathematician Ralph Merkle.
The "root" hash (i.e., the last hash on the Merkle Tree) stores information about blockchain transactions and other hashes. We won't go into detail about the Merkle Tree here, but it's worth noting that it plays a role in blockchain technology. The transactional information within a block also consists of multiple components, most of which relate to transactional inputs.
Bitcoin blocks also use a hash function known as SHA-256. This is a cryptographic algorithm used to generate a hash. As we've already mentioned, each block contains the hash of the previous block in the chain. But different blockchains use different hashing algorithms, so SHA-256 is not the universal standard for hashing.
Bitcoin miners use the SHA-256 algorithm in the proof of work process to solve cryptographic puzzles and maintain the network's integrity. Through the mining process, new blocks are created on the blockchain.
Only completed transactions are included in closed blocks. Transactions that have not yet been validated remain in a sort of waiting room known as the mempool.
The term "cryptocurrency" is an amalgamation of cryptography and currency, so it's no surprise that, yes, the cryptocurrency industry needs cryptographic blockchains to function. And a core part of that process are the blocks that contain transaction data.
Blockchains aren't just important in the cryptocurrency realm, either. They have multiple applications in healthcare, logistics, real estate, insurance, and much more. So, without blockchains and their blocks, many things wouldn't be possible.
There's no doubt that cryptocurrency blocks are hugely important in the secure storage of transaction data. Crypto holders rely on this technology to record their transactions and keep the network both immutable and transparent, so it's safe to say we'd be lost without it!
Katie is a Staff Writer at MUO with experience in content writing in travel and mental health. She as a specific interest in Samsung, and so has chosen to focus on Android in her position at MUO. She has written pieces for IMNOTABARISTA, Tourmeric and Vocal in the past, including one of her favourite pieces on remaining positive and strong through trying times, which can be found at the link above. Outside of her working life, Katie loves growing plants, cooking, and practicing yoga.
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