Access Bank disowns fake news on association with cryptocurrency platform – Premium Times

Access Bank
Contrary to an unsubstantiated report circulating on the internet, Access Bank Plc has not launched any Bitcoin bank or introduced a cryptocurrency product.
A statement by the Bank’s management dissociated the financial institution from the information pushed out by a fictitious webpage.
The article shows the photographs of the Managing Director, Mr Roosevelt Ogbonna, illicitly downloaded from Access Bank’s social media pages and then manipulated to fit the misleading narrative being promoted in the bogus article.
“The quotes also attributed to Mr Ogbonna in the contrived interview are also completely false”, the disclaimer reads.
“For the record, at no time did Mr Ogbonna grant any interview on the subject of a Bitcoin bank or made any comment on cryptocurrency business. Access Bank continues to maintain its absolute commitment to excellent practices in accordance with the laws of Nigeria.”
The statement said the bank is cooperating with the authorities to investigate the source of the fake news to ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice.
“The board, management and staff remain committed to transparency, outstanding corporate governance, and the promotion of global best practices for the good of our customers and all stakeholders,” it added.
Access Bank Plc, commonly known as Access Bank, is a Nigerian multinational commercial bank, owned by the Access Bank Group. It is licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria, the national banking regulator.
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All content is Copyrighted © 2022 The Premium Times, Nigeria


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